After a collision you want to be able to rely on your insurance company to get your car fixed quickly, but can you? If you trust that company, will you really get the best collision repair Los Angeles has to offer? Here are six lies the insurance company will tell you.
That you aren’t covered if you want to get your car repaired at a shop of your choosing
False, because policies cover your car being repaired at any collision repair shop.
That you have to take their offer at a particular shop or pay the difference
This simply isn’t the case, and you can choose whatever shop you like.
The preferred shop will start work right away, but you’ll have to wait if you pick a different one
Again, this isn’t correct, and your wait time should not be affected by which Los Angeles collision repair shop you choose.
You can only use their mechanic
Not true, as you can choose any certified body shop in Los Angeles and any mechanic that you’re comfortable with.
You can’t work with that shop because they will not cooperate with your insurance company
All insurance companies and collision repair shops can and do work together.
That the claim will take longer if you choose a particular shop
Insurance companies are quick to close claims in most cases, and it does not matter which shop you choose.
In short, you don’t have to believe everything you hear from your insurance company. Verify the information you’re being given, and make sure you ask questions. When you’re an informed consumer, you can make the right decisions to get your vehicle repaired after your collision.